Matt & Dom from the Face Radio show Worldly (Mondays 10 AM EST) take over for the esteemed Pete Brady, and our record boxes are brimming with vinyl.
Today’s show features ‘The Stompin’ Soul Sound of New York’s famed’ Wand Records’ and we dig deep into the vaults of New Orleans Ric & Ron Records featuring tracks recorded as demos and auditions.
Multiple tracks released by Chicago’s diligently delightful Numero Group, also as we broadcast around the world from the soul of Brooklyn via The Café Atlas Obscura in Cary, NC – confused yet – we spin North Carolina natives; the soulful siren Roberta Flack (RIP) and the psychedelic funk genius George Clinton – and loads more. Cheers Big Ears.
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Tune into new broadcasts of the Superfly Funk & Soul Show, LIVE, Friday from 10 AM – 12 PM EST / 3 – 5 PM GMT.
Facebook: Pete Brady
Instagram: @superflyfunkandsoulbelfast
Mixcloud: Superfly Funk & Soul Belfast
Soundcloud: Pete Brady
Twitter: @superflybelfast