After a wonderful weekend ‘Out There’, the London Hippy shares ten valuable lessons learnt from this year. As you listen to new R&B from the likes of Qendresa and SAULT mull over the meditations in this inspired show. Some lessons are obvious e.g. 3. Bring a Raincoat others quite specific and invaluable e.g. 2. Don’t Doubt Andre 3000 & 9. Bring Banana Bread.
The show journeys through jazz, R&B and a couple 60s rock classics that embody the history of festival spirit. Wander through the newly inspired mind of the London Hippy as he takes through his bedraggled yet somehow enriched mind.
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Tune into new broadcasts of The London Hippy, every Thursday from 2 – 4 PM EST / 7 – 9 PM GMT.
Instagram: @london.hippy